Friday, December 14, 2007

Kisah Angker

On my way back from Bangi, biasanya I akan ikut jalan short cut to Bandar teknologi to my factory ikut jalan bukit, which is quite terbiar and spooky (at nite). What I wanted to tell you was that, a few months ago (2-3months to be precise) dalam pukul 8pm lebih, I went back ikut jalan tu and suddenly, I noticed ada figure. Blame me cause I can't see it clearly - forgot to wear my contacts and my spectacle rosak. When I drove near one of the trees, I saw a woman standing there and watch me. At first I thought ada org sedang tggu kt situ but takkanlah, it was all dark and spooky. Pastu, bila tgk betul2, (gulp)...I drove the car faster and tak toleh belakang dah. As a result from that incident, I've had a fever for a week ~ it's true ya know!

The red circle is where I've seen the figure

p/s: My mom said maybe p**t****k but I still get goose bumps whenever people asked me about the incident. It is something that I don't want to remember (or see) ever again! Tapi I still use that road but not at nite. Now ikut jer highway silk kt blakang tu and bayar RM1. Selamat pun selamat...hehe