Saturday, March 15, 2008

Kak Ti

Kak Ti just got back from Jakarta yesterday after a week of holiday. Me and Baby met her at Bangsar Village II @ Delicious where she shared her experiences during her stay.

Kak Ti - sharing her experiences

It's a humble experience where Jakarta was not as heaven as Malaysia. People there tried to sell almost anything and do everything in order to survive. Kak Ti said that even when she caught in traffic jam, people would came up to her and try to sell foods, souvenirs. She said that her most memorable experience was where she met a young transvestite sang a song to her using a bottles caps as music instrument, just to get some money. The drag said that she haven't ate in a few days. How touching! People are suffering out there and we're so lucky to live in Malaysia. Some people never know how to appreciate the life they are having rite now. What a waste!!!

Baby was paying full attention to Kak Ti's stories

My classic beef lasagna