Saturday, August 18, 2007

a dark shakespeare confessed


this would be my first blog and i'm excited about it. Why? because i don't usually reveal my secrets or dirty past to people but i'm looking forward to try and see how it goes. Don't worry as i am very open and you won't find a single lie in all my writings. Well, basically, i'm going to tell about myself.

Name: love psycho (yeah, only my name wud remain a secret...hehe)

Age: 24yrs

Staying: With my pa & ma in Kajang.

Heights & Weights: I'm 178cm (5' 8') and 69kg (i used to be very skinny but hard work at the gym really pays off..haha)

Interests: Reading, travelling, comics (doraemon, conan, bla bla who cares if i read comics??), magazines (Hot, stuff, FHM, mens healtgh)

Friends: I don't have a lot of friends but i think 3 is enough (Kal, Song and me, of course)

Likes: Vanilla ice cream, people with sense of humour, hang out with frens at mamak, shopping, accesorries, eat, sleep, PS2, watch movies, chocolates, tgk wayang...

Hates: Snobbish people, durians (haha), people who dont know how to respect others, place too crowded and too noisy...

Occupation: I'm a Customer Service job basically entertain customer and attend to all complaints, problems issue, etc - sometimes people can be so annoying!

Musics: I'm currently listening to Timbaland, Avril Lavigne, My Chemical Romance, Michael Bubble...yeah, u can say 'rojak'..i listen to almost everything

Education: I was schooled in Sek Men Tmn Tasik Ampang (byk budak2 nakal) and further my diploma in Uitm Shah Alam...and i'm proud to say that i'm a mass comm student..people who hates us, please, get away from me..

Hmm, i think that covers all at the moment..more to come...stay tuned!
