Monday, August 31, 2009


Our vain shot!hehe...

I was out yesterday to Midvalley with my 2 siblings and friends a.k.a Kal and Robert. These are the things that I bought yesterday:

~ a nice checkered shirt from Romp.

~ a skinny gold tie.

~ the twilight saga novels: Twilight & New Moon

Further hype about the movie itself might trigger our attention to watch the actual movie but for myself who has watched it (twice), I must say that the movie was mainly for teenage romance. BUT I admit that I was attracted by the sypnosis and couldn't wait for the next installment and decided to get myself the books today at MPH.

I wanted to get myself the whole collection but it will cost me RM 188 (damn expensive) so I've decided to buy the 2 novels first. Next month probably I will get myself Eclipse and Breaking Dawn.

p/s: I might do a review on the 2 books. Stay tuned!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Su in YEZZ Mag (Sep issue)

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Su in Remaja Mag (Sep issue)

She didn't win the first prize but I guess the competition opens a lot of doors. We'll see how it goes...

Monday, August 17, 2009

Besday lagi...

Bulan ni kitaorg celebrate besday Frederick, Ummu (bdk baru, ok), Kak Rosaida, Adik, Mashida (tiada dalam gambar) and Kak Nitha (takde dlm gambar gak) sekaligus...hehe.

p/s: Actually tak tahu nk tulis apa since takde citer yg menarik. Tggu jer nanti k!

Saturday, August 8, 2009


Gosh, since yesterday lagi yus rasa semacam jer bila mak yus kata ada orang panjat pagar nk masuk rumah but sempat melarikan diri bila nampak jiran yus keluar. Seems that my house will be the next target. Actually smlm lebih kurang dlm pukul 2.00pm something, ada 2 orang mat motor (mcm mat2 indon) pusing dpn umah yus lebih dr 10kali, meninjau2 sama ada umah yus ada orang ke tidak sedangkan that time mak yus berada di atas cos tgh solat.

Today plak, yus dpt saksikan dgn mata yus sendiri di mana 2 orang mat motor td berulang alik dpn umah yus lebih dari 5 kali. That time, mak yus keluar ke hospital tp dia dah inform awal2 supaya duduk bawah kt living room. Rupanya mmg betul, yus sempat juga tinjau di sebalik tingkap muka mat2 motor ni. Sorang berbaju coklat berbelang putih and sorang lg bercermin mata hitam berseluar pendek separa lutut. Mmg betul nampak cam mat indon...hmm. Tapi yus buka pintu dpn and buka tv kuat2 supaya diaorg tahu kt umah ni ada org. Last2 diaorg nampak pintu umah terbuka and tv terpasang, terus tak jadi. Tapi dalam pada tu, sempat gak nampak no plat motor - WCW8150.

Yus sempat call abg yus and dia dtg tak lama kemudian and ronda2 kawasan perumahan yus tu utk lihat kalau2 orang yg yus describe spt di atas tu masih berlegar2. Since kt kawasan umah yus ni baru dibangunkan satu pondok polis, abg yus sempat buat report kt situ (yus kan tak bole kuar umah...huhu) and diaorg ada wat ronda2 kt sini (at last!!!!). Tp yus still rasa tak sedap ati cos time siang, umah ni takde org. Ayah yus keje, mak yus gi mengajar, Su ke sekolah and myself plak keje. Tp kalo tgklah kan, diaorg hanya bermotor shj so ada kemungkinan diaorg target utk curi benda2 yg mudah di bawa sahaja mcm laptop, hp, duit, etc.

Kt kawasan sini, so far hanya umah yus belum di pecah masuk orang lg. Bkn nk ckp apa tp alhamdulillah la but skrg umah yus plak jd target. Kadang2 mcm helpless cos there's nothing much that we can do, buat report pun polis mcm nk tak nk jer layan cos diaorg hanya akan mula take note once umah kita betul2 di pecah masuk, no prevention measure at all...sigh!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Female Mag Shoot

Today we were at Bluinc in PJ (publisher for eh, Female, Nu You, Men's Health, etc magazine) for Female mag shoot. I think Su has nailed it since everyone was satisfied with how the photos turned out. We arrived there at 9.30am sharp and there was 3 more models waiting for hair and makeup. Also, today was the last day of the shoot. I managed to snap one pic during the shoot, where Alex is doin her hair.

Later, we went to Midvalley and had our lunch there. That's all folks! Till next time...