Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Sayonara Kak Zizah and Pei Pei

Hari ini merupakan last day utk Kak Zizah@Kak Panjang and Pei Pei (yg masuk skali ngan yus ari tu - yes, dia dah dpt keje lain kt KL). So, kami di PC ni sempatlah celebrate sambil ada acara memotong kek Cream strawberry...nyam nyam atas pilihan kak JC.

Ucapan utk Kak Zizah:

Lepas ni dah takde member nk gelak2 skali dah.
Teringat time kita nk curi cursor key, bwk 3 kotak skaligus time hujan tp bdk store ramai time tu ;-) mmg kelakar sgt bila diingatkan balik semata2 kita tak mahu line kita stop. Yus harap akak happy nanti dgn keje baru setelah 18thn kt SMK ni. Jaga diri elok2...InsyaAllah, kita jumpa time annual dinner kt Pan Pacific nanti ok?

Ucapan utk Pei Pei:

Sadly that our frenship only lasted for 2 months but I wish you all the best in whatever things that you have chosen for your future. May God bless you always.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Kisah kuih Tart

I'm sitting at my room now, in front of my pc while watching Maroon 5 MTV - Won't go home without you as I'm having my 'kuih tart' eventho Raya is another 2 months or so...hehe.

Well, to tell you the truth, I love kuih tart so much that every time Raya is around the corner, I will bought a few jar and kept it in my drawer, only eat it all by myself, hahaha! People closed to me knew that I love it very much (and why the hell am I telling you this? ehem...)

Today was a bz start for me. As usual, doing my chores in the morning and attended Sourcing meeting to change the new polybag from local supplier to Japan supplier. It's goin to be another task for me to follow up since packing is not under my control but if this plan works, I have to control it myself. Err...never mind about that. How's your day?

Before I forgot, there's a new member in my dept. Lim's fren actually from Uni and his name is Willy. He's a baba and nyonya, and looks like a malay. My oficemates were mistaken him for a malay. Taller and slimmer than me (darn!!!) but I'm still charming, mind you. He will replaced Lim's since she will be going off by end of this month. I wish her all the best. And to Willy, welcome to HELL...muahahahaha!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Only you can...

Artist: Aizat
Title: Hanya Kau Yang Mampu

Ku cuba redakan relung hati
Bayangamu yg berlalu pergi
Terlukis di dalam kenangan
Bebas bermain di hatiku

Cerita tentang masa lalu
Cerita tentang kau dan aku
Kini tinggal hanya kenangan
Kau abadi di dalam hatiku

c/o: Harusnya takkan ku biarkan engkau pergi
Membuat ku terpuruk rasa ingin mati
Derita yang mendera kapan akan berakhir
Hanya engkau yang mampu taklukkan hatiku

Aku cinta oooohhhhhh….
Aku cinta ooooooo…..
Aku cinta oooohhhhhh….
Aku cinta ooooooo…..

Hanya engkau yang mampu taklukkan hatiku

Jiwang sangat lagu ni kan? Tak dapat dinafikan, first time dgr lagu ni terus yus tertarik. Mulanya, suka dgr melodinya tp yus tak amati liriknya betul2 sampailah yus cari kt net ni. Baru tahu maksud yang tersirat...Apapun, yus layan lagu ni tapi yus tak tujukan pada sapa2. Past is past and I've moved on...

Friday, July 25, 2008


Petang tadi, tepat jam 6pm, dept yus (PC) bersama2 ngan OBA (oversea business affairs) dan Sourcing telah mengadakan jamuan BBQ di kafeteria SMK. Seramai lebih 40 orang yang telah turut serta dalam jamuan tersebut. Meriah sangat since semua orang sporting giler and makanan pun sedap2 belaka, especially my fav roti jala...perghhh! Tapi budak2 ni plak semua serbu durian...hehe but sorri, I tak makan durian, boleh? My Managing Director, Nichu-san pun turun padang gak bersama dgn 2 orang pelawat dari Jepun, Tsuchiya-san dan Ricky-san. Ini antara wajah-wajah warga SMK yg sempat yus snap:

Time barbeque...Okumura-san pun turut serta mengipas

Hmm...nyam nyam

My lady boss, Madam Tiong

Acara memotong durian...serbu serbu

Makan time

My first boss, Suzuki-san - peace - yang macam saiful apek karakternye...hehe

Kak Siti yg tak pernah diet! ekekeke

My MD, Nichu-san yg sporting sambil di perhatikan oleh Aminah-san - Jepun murtad...hehe

Okumura-san, first boss yg sentiasa pening2

Yg ada tahi lalat kt dahi tu, Tsuchiya-san bersama dgn Izudin-san

Oriental ladies - clockwise, Pei Pei, Pik Yen and Janet

Hero2 SMK - clockwise, Rahim Buncit (hehe), Haris (penyamun) and Joe (Jambul)

Soucing ladies - Kak Rose Niza, Kak Yusni and Kak Haida

Kak Miah, Kak Ina (masih berseri lagi pengantin baru kita ni)

Umarani@Aishwarya Rai - setelah rambutnye rebonding - suka Uma kan?

Shoot em' - Kak Mashida dan Zaleha

Kak Sham and Kakakku, Kak Rosaida - kakak angkat ler...

Madam Soh bersama Aminah-san

My guy boss, Mr. See Toh dalam penyerahan hadiah lucky draw and juga MC pada ari ni

Dalam pada tu gak, kerja ku makin berlambak2 since Kak Zie dah tak jaga model Pioneer lagi and sepenuhnya akan diserahkan padaku. Tambahan plak, ada 4 lagi model baru masuk. Hari ni yus sempat buat delivery schedule utk supplier since Sourcing dah confirmkan material and sample. Risau gak ni since tak terkejar yus nk settle itu ini...Tapi menurut kata Kak Zie, dia confiden ngan yus since byk aku dah catch up. Dari zero knowledge sampai la skrg ni...Doakan yus ok?

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Hey there,

Lamanya rasa tak update plak blog ni. Sorilah kalo lama di biarkan bersarang. Yus agak sibuk beberapa menjak ni and asyik tido awal jer. Yelah, nk bersms pun takde kekasih ;-)

Nothing much happened but yus baru jer tahu yg yus ada menghidapi sakit darah tinggi. Terkedu gak bila doktor check ari tu and kata darah yus tinggi dari biasa. Yus sedih gak sbb patutla kepala yus asyik berdenyut2 jer sakit. Paling teruk time cuti ari tu sampai satu hari suntuk takleh bangun. Selama ni yus ingatkan migrain tapi rupanya...Dua ari jugak kepala yus sakit since smlm sampailah ptg td yus decide nk ke klinik panel and check. Sah! Tekanan darah yus 140 - 100. Doktor kata agak tinggi utk org muda cam yus ni.

Nak buat camne kan? Mungkin umur yus tak lama ;-) tapi yus ttp redha and sedar. Cuma diri ni masih tak cukup lg amalan. Dosa tu banyak la...Yus sedar sebagai manusia kita tak lepas dari melakukan kesilapan. Biarlah yus mcm ni. Mmg la yus sunyi tapi takpelah, sekurang-kurangnya kerja yus mampu menjadi pengubat kesunyian yus di kala ini. Apapun, doakan yg terbaik utk yus ok?


Thursday, July 17, 2008

Heppi Besday

Happy Birthday to both of my colleagues, Kak Siti Norliza and Pik Yen. Both celebrated their 40th and 26th birthday today. May God bless ya'll always!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Jason Mraz

This is my theme song at the moment. I can play this song over and over again and not get bored. It's a feel good song especially when you're driving to work in the morning, or stuck in the station waiting for your next train as it's a song to kickstart your day. Love the melody!

Well you DAWNED ON me and you bet I felt it
I tried to be chill but you're so hot that I melted
I fell right through the cracks
And now I'm trying to get back
Before the cool done run out
I'll be giving it my bestest
Nothing's going to stop me but divine intervention
I reckon it's again my turn to win some or learn some

But I won't hesitate no more, no more
It cannot wait, I'm yours

Well open up your mind and see like me
Open up your plans and damn you're free
Look into your heart and you'll find love love love
Listen to the music of the moment people dance and sing
We're just one big family.
It's our God-forsaken right to be loved love loved love love

So I won't hesitate no more, no more
It cannot wait I'm sure
There's no need to complicate
Our time is short
This is our fate, I'm yours

I've been spending way too long checking my tongue in the mirror
And bending over backwards just to try to see it clearer
But my breath fogged up the glass
And so I drew a face and I laughed
I guess what I be saying is there ain't no better reason
To rid yourself of vanitys and just go with the seasons
It's what we aim to do
Our name is our virtue

But I won't hesitate no more, no more
It cannot wait I'm yours
There's no need to complicate
Our time is short
This is our fate, I'm yours

Well no no, well open up your mind and see like me
Open up your plans and damn you're free
Look into your heart and you'll find love love love love
Listen to the music of the moment come and dance with me
I like one big family (2nd time: I like happy family)
It's our God-forsaken right to be loved love love love

I won't hesitate no more
Oh no more no more no more
It's your God-forsaken right to be loved, I'm sure
There's no need to complicate
Our time is short
This is our fate, I'm yours

No I won't hesitate no more, no more
This cannot wait I'm sure
There's no need to complicate
Our time is short
This is our fate, I'm yours, I'm yours

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Sorry guys

Hey guys,

Gosh! I apologize for not updating this blog for quite awhile. I've received some comments from my frens asking me why I didn't update my blog? My reason was probably, I'm getting busier with work. Everyday, when I got back home, I went straight to bed after a good hot shower. I seldom online nowadays and I don't check my messages as often as before.

Oh well, got to work to pay the rent!hehe.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Congrats : Alina and Sharizan

Tahniah dan selamat berbahagia kepada sepupuku, Alina dan suami, Syafizan kerana meraikan hari bahagia mereka pada hari ini, 5 July 2008. Semoga berbahagia ke anak cucu.

Kalo nk tahu, Alina ni lah teman yus time membesar. Kitaorg rapat sejak kecik lg. Umur kami pun sama, 25tahun. Alina dan suami bekerja sbg Jurutera di Petronas tower and telah berkenalan lebih dari 5thn tp that time tak bercinta lg. Tak silap yus diaorg ni rapat last year. Early this year tunang and skang br kawin.

Dulu Alina ni pernah bertunang tp dia minta putus last minit. Reason? Mak dia kata Alina dah tak minat. Boleh camtu? Orang lawa, senang la. Apapun, Alina yg yus kenal mmg ramah sgt and tak pernah sombong cuma dia ni high maintenance sikit. Tp biasalah kan...

Suaminya ni rendah sikit dr Alina ni. Tapi mengikut kata org tua2, kalo isteri lebih tinggi maknanya rezeki murah! Alahai...

Korek punya korek, belanja kawin termasuk hantaran semua melebihi RM 70K. Wow! Cincin jer dah RM 10K...Oh well, org byk duit boleh la. Takpe, sama2 berduit kan? Hehe...

Inilah antara gambar2 yg sempat yus snappy!